Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Beneficial and Constricting Fear

There's been no time to write! AH! But now I'm making time! Hooray!

It occurred to me that the younger generation is attacked by fear. Some people may say that it's just a little kid thing, but I believe it's more than that. I think we've opened a door to fear for them. We may not all have extreme phobias or anything, but we do have certain fears, not necessarily of things like the dark or ghosts, but of other things. Things like showing people who you really are, fear of rejection, fear of putting yourself out there and being able to stand up for something. Debra Gurr talked about courage at the women's conference the other day. She was very eloquent and made good points. Courage is doing something despite of your fear. We have succumb to this way of living as Christians where fear is prevalent and perfectly natural in our lives. We are doing something, but we could be doing so much more. We cannot operate in fear. I think we all experience different levels of fear in our lives at different times. And I think some fear can be constructive. Such as the fear of the Lord for instance. It says in the Bible that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." If we realize that we're not all that, then it opens us up to learn from Him.

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