Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Passionate Pursuit

We hear about seeking God all the time, and we even have a desire to be in His presence. He created us that way, to thrive on moments of surrender to Him. It becomes so easy to allow other things to distract or preoccupy us so we don't have that time to devote to Him and He can minister to our spirit. He is our Romancer, the One who will truly fulfill us. We need to be pursuing Him with all we are. When we spend time focused on our King, He shows us aspects of Himself we would not have known otherwise. That is how we fall in love with Him. No amount of jumping or crying will lead you to that place. When you love someone, you spend TIME with them. With all that Jesus went through to allow us to come before the King, to have an intimate relationship with Him, we do not take advantage of that, not like we really should. That passion and courage we hear about all the time that we need if we're going to transform this generation, we cannot have that unless our foundation is in Him. To be true followers of Christ, we HAVE to be in love with Him. To be in love with Him we have to passionately pursue Him, and when we passionately pursue Him, He will give us that passion for the things of righteousness and the courage to carry it through.

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